Why do I come back every morning and pay attention to what he says?
Is it because I am scared not to go to Heaven if I don't? No
Is it because he says that I must? No
I started Morning Devotion out of respect toward a new central figure who had just come from Asia. He wanted to speak to us and I thought that was a good idea, so that he and us could know each other very quickly.
Within days, I was writing this about Dr. Yong?
Every day I listened to Dr. Yong, and after a little while, I realized that my eyes are wet. Quiet tears I did not know were there. I am so grateful for his teaching. It is my first time to experience a Korean Teacher speaking English so well. He can communicate his whole being to an English-speaking audience. This is truly God’s gift to America.If we stop someone on the street or anywhere for that matter, someone we do not know and asked them the following question, “What is the purpose of human existence? What are you trying to accomplish with your personal life?” What kind of answers would we get?
It is my wish that we, as American members can pay attention to the words that are taught to us by God through Dr. Yong. I am proud of him and his ability to teach and reach our heart and soul.
More than 7 months later, I still think the same.
We can cypher through millions of answers, but the result would come down to a few sentences. We all want a sense of fulfillment that brings respect, love, and joy. However, many of these millions of people will not reach that fulfillment in their life time on earth for one simple reason. They think it is up to them alone to make that happen, and that is where we go wrong.
We are all dependent on the environment surrounding us, and I am not just talking physical, but also mental, emotional, spiritual, and sexual. Our lives, like it or not, are intertwined and if one believes that it is only with their strong will and might that they will accomplish what they want, they will, in the end, lose.
We are the owner of our happiness, but it important to understand that to get it we do need the input of many – their advice, their love, their guidance, their warning.
So back to Dr. Yong. Is he perfect? I don’t know and I don’t care. It is not my job to judge him, but I think it is my responsibility to try to understand what he has to say. It is up to me to feed my soul.
July 3rd, 2021