Friday, July 31, 2020

The Power of Giving…

Some people throughout history have felt value in giving to a cause or an idea. Individuals who have worked in missionary activities understand this. The richness of their lives cannot be valued monetarily, but their contribution is substantial.

There are many ways to give and support a project, an idea, or fulfill a goal. Money is not always available, but time might be—

For quite some time now, I have tried to find a couple of individuals who could offer me in earnest one or two hours a week of their precious time. A true gift, a genuine gift that would benefit others and truly serve a great purpose. So far, I have not been able to find such individuals within our communities.
I believe they are out there…
…but how to reach them? I do not know. Can you please help me find these precious people?

Programmer requirements
•    A schooled knowledge of programming.
•    Working knowledge of WHM and Cpanel work.

Office staff needs

•    Experience with and a level of comfort with computer applications such as Microsoft Office (particularly Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
•    A basic to mid-level understanding of Bookkeeping. 
(All work will be done online.)


•    My husband used to tell me that the work I do with OMS (Online Matching System) gave him Spiritual Life.
•    Knowing one is doing something that has value beyond oneself is uplifting. It brings heartistic and spiritual wealth.
•    Our busy lives may not always nourish our soul but participating, even minimally, in something that has value to God and humankind will.
So, if money is not available, perhaps time might be—


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