Thursday, February 24, 2022

A dream about True Mother

Dr. Hak Ja Han MoonI had my very first dream with True Mother. She gave a gift to Andrea and I, but I cannot remember the gift. I do not remember her entourage; they were very much not there.

She was her age but using her body like a young person would do. For example, she jumped up at some point to sit on the ledge of a shelf so that she could talk to me.

I remember looking for something to sit on like a chair, I don’t remember if I did.

What I understood from her small talk to me was that it was hard for her to have a true friend, someone who can stick. She has had but they don’t stay for long because they have other commitments.

Looks like she was looking for someone who would stay with her always who would not have any other focus. She was not sad, or complaining, she was simply reporting.

April 2nd, 2018

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